Sunday, November 22, 2009


This post is of positively no consequence, but here it is anyway. Topic: haircuts.

I have lived in this state for more than three years (incidentally, the longest I have lived anywhere since college). However, I have scrupulously avoided getting my haircut here, only getting 2 $15 "super cuts"-type haircuts in the state, plus last spring's charity chop for free. For my other haircuts, I have waited (and waited and waited) long enough and got my hair cut when I went home to New Hampshire. Like other things in my life (choral singing comes to mind), I am picky about haircuts. I both want a good cut and do not want to pay an extravagant amount. I admit, I use NH as a guideline for price, despite the fact that I live in a more major metro area now.

I spent the last few weeks asking everyone I know about haircuts. Do you like the place you get it cut? Can I have the name/number? (I'm going to try this technique with doctors & dentists next.) One of my roommates gave me the number for the place that she gets her hair colored & I went there on Saturday morning. Result? Good haircut, evening out some of the issues with the growing out previous haircut. It's good enough, at least right now, that I'm actually considering going back, perhaps giving up the "voyage home for a haircut" thing. Sigh.

I've been spending lots of time on weekends baking. Today's projects: chocolate chip cookies & the filling for a Greek desert. Looking forward to Thanksgiving...

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